
WOLFA Academy Metrics

Embark on a transformative leadership journey at WOLFA Academy, where our precise metrics pave the way for your tangible success and sustained growth.


The secret of the superiority of the alpha wolf leader lies in the well-established information base from which it starts

Genghis Khan set a very strange condition and standers for anyone who wants to become a leader in their army which is “to hunt a wolf without using any weapon.” This condition was a mystery that baffled the brightest minds! After research and investigation, the documents indicated that the threads of the mystery had been decoded, as Genghis Khan was establishing a deep approach in the hearts of their subordinates, and no one would be able to achieve this condition if they did not possess the skills of the "alpha" wolf leader. One of the most important secrets of the wolf leader’s skills that makes it achieve sweeping victories in the toughest and fiercest battles is their extreme ingenuity when collecting information about itself and others around it. Read more

Supremacy and entrepreneurship are allies of leaders who start from their own world model

Have you ever asked yourself, Why do some leaders succeed, and others do not? Why do some of them accept change, and others reject it strongly? Why is there a leader who takes responsibility for their life, and another who blames circumstances, society and... etc.? Why are some leaders looking for excellence, while others are content with what they have? Why do some of them look at things positively, while others are pessimistic? Why is there a leader who enjoys their achievements and inspires their subordinates, and another who sees each task as a burden and that their subordinates are a source of pressure for them? Read more

Why to choose Leaders Metrics From WOLFA Academy?

The metrics available in WOLFA Academy are an integrated set of proven effective tests that measure thinking codes, strategies, and skills on different fields, such as (Emotional Intelligence, personal development, planning, and objectives, etc.), and they provide measurable solutions. Also, they provide leaders with a practical framework to achieve supremacy and entrepreneurship in record time.
The metrics available in the Academy serve as "exploration" wolves and "lurking" wolves. They are very unique in collecting information and insight into facts about self, subordinates, and others, and they are not just information or feedback at all, but they provide a practical approach that provides a roadmap to arming yourself with the tools and equipment needed to raise performance, increase productivity, achieve objectives, and maximize victories in personal and professional life.

The metrics simply aim for people not to claim leadership, but rather to be involved with it intellectually, emotionally, and behaviorally, which in turn yields a tremendous return on investment for individuals and organizations:

Personal development:

Making the supreme change that begins today and extends for a long time, acquiring another dimension in the supreme contact with oneself, and making the supreme impact that transcends the limits of time and space.


Discovering the unique leadership imprint, achieving leadership by example and not by ability, earning the honor of leadership with efficiency, and gaining influence with merit.


Building work teams whose members possess a unified collective strength for one objective and one achievement, work with one heart, and express their talents freely in spite of all differences.


Developing human capital with the mastery of the “alpha” wolf leader, starting from selecting staff and hiring, to retaining talent, to putting the right person in the right place, to defining development needs.


Contributing to building a conscious and qualified society that possesses the best skills and strategies, adopts the right attitudes, builds the future proactively, and works side by side (parents, teachers, trainers, media professionals, individuals, leaders, and organizations).

How Are WOLFA Academy Metrics Invested In The Business World?

The leaders’ achievement of supremacy and entrepreneurship is not a matter of chance or moment, and the change that lasts for a long time is the result of deep commitment and moving steadily towards the objectives set and dealing with all the changes among the road with the ingenuity of the “alpha” wolf leader. And all the tools available to make the change and advance the wheel of development, the more effort the leaders give the tools, the more excellence and effectiveness they give them. Hence, it was necessary for us in WOLFA Academy to provide solutions that make the change that begins today and its results remain long. Read more

What Distinguishes WOLFA Academy Metrics?

The metrics available in WOLFA Academy are well-recognised, internationally reliable, and have been scientifically and practically validated as business models that focus on action and results, and support people in achieving the desired results of change.
The metrics available to leaders in the Academy are unusual, and the most prominent of them are:

They start where others left off:

Leaders Metrics have strong characteristics according to psychological standards, and provide information after being collected, sorted, analyzed, and processed in reports that are the best in their class among more than dozens of different standard metrics, and are statistically reliable. It includes self-correcting indicators, which increases their originality and objectivity.

They combine simplicity and depth together:

Leaders Metrics are a model that is simple enough to go through, and at the same time they are sophisticated enough to lead the change that begins and its results remain long. They were prepared by experts in acquiring the language of supremacy and entrepreneurship inspired by the spirit of the wolf leader, and they put them in interesting and rich templates that reflect real life, and link them to personal and professional life.

They offer a variety of solutions:

What distinguishes Leaders Metrics is that they provide detailed reporting with effective techniques, exercises, and strategies, as well as a wide range of support materials containing relevant tools and approaches (many books, training programs, approach, and other aids).

They put things in context:

While other metrics provide a diagnosis, the Academy's Leaders Metrics provide a framework for business. Although they are designed for learning and development, they have statistical accuracy that enables their use in the recruitment and hiring processes from the highest levels of leadership to the lowest, and talent retention, learning, training, coaching, mentoring, consulting, and other more advanced uses when the right results are used correctly and employed at the right time and place.

Looking ahead to the future:

Leaders Metrics are available online. They have a fully automated online management and grading system, available on paper. Also, they offer clients the option to receive self-reports or backed up by instant explanation sessions (or both). In addition, an integrated system has been developed that is equipped with training materials developed by high-level approach designers that are delivered individually or in groups and either face-to-face or remotely through appropriate applications.

What Metrics Are Available in WOLFA Academy?

here are many metrics available to leaders, and these vary with the skills needed for leaders. When you choose one of these metrics, we provide you with another dimension in the diversity of reports inspired by the metric you made.
All reports generated by the Leaders Metrics will be presented to you in a dress that only suits you, as they meet the needs that you are looking for.
In order to learn more about available reports, you need to start with your objective:

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