
Wolfa Blog

Leadership Consulting: 7 Critical Leadership Trends in the Workplace

Leadership consulting is a service that aims to enhance leaders' effectiveness and ensure organisational success. This involves assisting executives, managers, and supervisors, among other leaders, in polishing their leadership skills, making informed decisions, and cultivating a positive workplace culture.

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Emotional Regulation: The Key to Effective Leadership

Note: This insightful article is quoted from coach Traci Fisher to explore the art of emotional regulation.

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The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

The technical skills that secured your first promotion might not guarantee your next one. If you want to be a leader, you should take into account an emotional component, as it’s the key to coaching your team effectively, managing stress, providing constructive feedback, and collaborating with others.

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Emotional Intelligence and Leadership

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the capacity to comprehend and control one's own emotions as well as those of others.

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10 Leadership Characteristics of Great Leaders

Throughout history, many leadership qualities have been observed. Some were adopted by autocratic leaders, others were issued by great leaders. In both cases, the characteristics of those responsible are correlated with their ability to achieve desired outcomes and their superiors' perception of their success and effectiveness.What is Leadership?

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The Importance of Leadership Training for Managers

One of the executives said in a thank you and appreciation note for the endeavors of one of his workers: "I like to commend you, and thank you for what you have reliably accomplished, particularly as of late, you have been calm, blunt, and supportive, and numerous characteristics can be utilized to portray you and assess you; however, this is only a basic perception to appreciate your work, energy, and excitement."

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How Mindfulness Affects Leading Skills?

Mindfulness is identified as focusing the person’s attention on a thoughtful awareness derived from the essence, free from prejudice, acts with emotions, ideas, and feelings connected to a specific moment. When we use our mindfulness, our ideas merge perfectly with our feelings at the right moment instead of remembering the past or predicting the future. To be a mindful soul is to know the truth of your reality and to deal with it even if it isn’t as you expect it to be.

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