
LeaderPAS (Leader Compass)


Are you facing the following challenges as a leader, or is your team facing them?

  • Absence of clear direction and path.
  • Loss of enthusiasm and passion when working under pressure.
  • Planning and future scenarios failure.
  • Suffering from many administrative decisions or administrative confusion.
  • Lack of harmony among team members.
  • Too many tasks and delays in completing work.
  • Distraction, loss of focus, and ineffective meetings.

What leaders and high-performing organizations want:

  • Leaders have the compass that shines in the hearts of their subordinates.
  • Living in the moment and balancing between personal and professional life.
  • Looking ahead for the future and overcoming its challenges prematurely.
  • Leadership by empowerment, delegation, and granting powers.
  • Effective communication based on motivation and support.
  • Raising the efficiency of individuals and increasing the effectiveness of work teams and the organization, which is reflected in increased revenues.
  • Aligning personal values with the values and mission of the organization.

You are not alone. This program is specially designed for leaders who want to be succeeded by great subordinates, who walk according to a glowing compass whose light does not fade.


16 Hour


4 Day






The strategies of the wolves are an amazing approach through which the alpha leader and their subordinates achieve their overwhelming success. The alpha wolf leader only walks according to a clearly defined vision and collects through their leaders beta and gamma all the information it and their subordinates from the omega wolves to make their vision inevitably a reality. The alpha leader draws the necessary plans and distributes the roles wisely and masterfully, and everyone knows their current location, the arrival point, and the exact path they will take. They derive from the leader the driving force and motive to overcome challenges and obstacles, and they work as if they are impossible to fail. When commands and instructions are directed to them, they move at lightning speed to accomplish the tasks assigned to them without faltering or inaction, and they show their full readiness to change according to the leader’s directives whenever necessary even if it requires them to adjust or change their plans, as they respond quickly by adapting without resentment or hesitation. There is no one who is more resilience than them in adapting to all the variables that surround them; as a result of all that, they win in the toughest and fiercest battles.

Whoever reads history and looks closely at the leaders whose names are engraved on its pages with their immortal achievements will find that they did not run in vain, but began to work on their objectives and the end is always in their minds, and even great visions shined in the being of their subordinates because they set out from objectives for which they live or die for. Surely, you have often set objectives for yourself and decided that your life will be more prosperous when you give it meaning from your existence, but if you have not yet become that leader with a prosperous life whose successes and achievements flutter wherever you  go, you need the leadership compass that guides you and through which you will truly make the world a better place than it was after you achieve the purpose of your existence and translate it into populating the earth. This program lets you lead the way to discovering your own glowing leadership compass and then walk side by side with others to inspire them, awaken their greatness, and spread the glow of your compass in them.

This program comes to be one of the most powerful programs in the field of leadership, as it relates to the essence of leaders to fuel their passion and spark their enthusiasm, so they connect their glowing compass and their great and creative visions in a way that is not affected or retreated, no matter how life variables afflict them. The program is characterized by its approach and strategies that achieve more effective leadership because it starts from uncovering the essence of the leader and their subordinates, then they proceed together in the course defined by the compass, with the aim of achieving dreamy visions, overcoming all obstacles and challenges. Then they follow up on progress and maintain their course with determination to win, and then they celebrate the results when the glow of the leadership compass shines with unique achievements

We welcome you to receive the honor of an accomplished leader in overcoming the flood to bring your subordinates to safety.

With the skills of the program, your leadership will start from the compass and influence drawing the path of the subordinates, and together you will cross the borders of the future.

We welcome you to receive the honor of the supreme leader, "Leading by example, not by ability". With the skills of this program, your leadership will start from the past and affect the present and go beyond the boundaries of the future.

This program is for you. To every leader who wants to start working on their objectives and the end is completely clear in their mind, to everyone who wants to dig into the depths of others to extract their hidden talents and treasures that they do not realize about themselves, and to dive into the ocean of potential and capabilities to ascend them to the shores of excellence and success. This program introduces you to the turning point in your leadership life to have a compass that makes the world a better place with its glow and radiance.

This program is for everyone who wants to play the role of a leader whose compass glows in the being of their subordinates, for employees who are passionate about leadership, for exceptional organizations that believe that their future depends on the compass of competent leaders, and for leaders who search for subordinates who live for objectives and die for them.

  • Each participating leader goes through the LeaderPAS Metric (GPL)
  • A leader can go through LeaderPAS Metric 360 (GPL360)
  • Leaders participating in the program have a group session to interpret and explain the report by the program coach. (One-to-one explaining session is available upon request).

Unit One: Cornerstone

Here you lay the cornerstone. You begin the journey of effective leadership as you steer it towards great visions and build an outstanding work environment that meets the needs of employees (spiritually, intellectually, socially, and physically), igniting their enthusiasm and passion, delivering business on time, increasing productivity and efficiency, and investing together in every moment of work with maximum enjoyment. Here you will be able to:

  • Your subordinates and you have a great sense of time, and count every second.
  • Rearrange your priorities and organize your time according to what is most important.
  • Inspire your subordinates to leave a mark in life that remains after the life cycle ends.
  • Build relationships based on credibility, transparency, dialogue, and making everyone feel a sense of belonging.
  • Drive your subordinates to continuous development that leads them to lasting growth and success.
  • Live a life full of prosperity, health, and well-being.
  • End the emergency for you and those who work with you and live a balanced life in all its needs.

Unit Two: Governing Laws

Here you practice principles. You unmask your principles, beliefs, and values as a leader, as leaders know themselves well and know their subordinates as well. You go through the search and exploration of the potentials and energies within you and your subordinates, so you open your mind to make the impossible possible, awaken the conscience of everyone around you, inspire others to ignite their will and self-confidence, envision the future together as you want, and live  according to noble values that you want to live by.  Here you will be able to:

  • Rebuild your ideas and those of your subordinates to see and perceive the world with a glowing spirit.
  • Uncover all the obstacles that have limited your ability to realize your visions.
  • Open your mind and raise your leadership competency to the highest metrics.
  • Employ the amazing energies of others to deliver achievements with the highest intelligence and least effort.
  • Have a precise internal compass that keeps you on track in the toughest conditions.
  • Build a team of subordinates who master the craft of delivering on time with the highest efficiency.
  • Eliminate procrastination and postponement and have a strong will that inspires your subordinates to succeed and stand out.
  • Embody the bright future of your subordinates in the present as an image, a sound, and a feeling.
  • Harmonize with your values and raise your subordinates' awareness of their values.

Unit Three: Journey planning

Here you live your leadership compass. You connect with your essence to harmonize your mission in life with the mission of your organization and translate it into great visions, inspiring roles, lofty objectives, and elaborate plans, and you continue your life. Also, you have the compass that glows as a light that always illuminates you and your subordinates the path, so you live the moment and give each soul its right and live together in harmony. Simply, you recognize your essence as a leader in building the inspiring vision that shines in the conscience of your subordinates. Here you will be able to:

  • Chart the course of the glowing compass that shines in the conscience of your subordinates and motivates them in the most difficult circumstances.
  • Connect your team members' dreams and objectives with a shared vision to make a difference in this world.
  • Recognize your roles as a leader and plan in light of them to meet them in balance.
  • Have supreme objectives to live and die for and pass on to your subordinates.
  • Plan carefully in years, months, weeks, days, and minutes.
  • Eat the daily breakfast of great leaders represented by continuous assessment.
  • Live with your subordinates the moment together with joy and happiness.

Unit Four: Navigation

Here you promote the growth of your followers. You acquire the tools, techniques, and skills that make you as a leader welcome big challenges, giant projects, and great visions, so you excel in decision-making, possess the art of communication that contribute to spreading the glow of your compass to everyone, and start delegating your business until you reach a point where you don't do anything that others can do. Here you will be able to:

  • Possess the skills of the best leaders and significant role models.
  • Make decisions that are in the best interests of your organization and your subordinates and bring you the highest profits.
  • Communicate with others according to ethics and principles that benefit everyone.
  • Follow up weekly on the strategic plans and assess progress.
  • Keep up to date and have utmost resilience to keep pace with change.
  • Raise the quality of your subordinates' performance to the highest standards so that their actions exceed all expectations.
  • Spread the right culture of delegation based on the right person in the right place.
  • The leaders who participated in the program will leave with the equipment and gear to embark on their professional and personal life with a new spirit carrying inspiring techniques and tools full of ideas, strategies, models, processes, commitments and business plans that make their leadership and their life a more supreme meaning.
  • Each participating leader can submit again online for the LeaderPAS Metric - Comparison with self (GPCL®) to measure the return on training.
  • Each participant who applied to the comparison metric will receive a one-on-one explanation session to interpret the report by a certified assessor.

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