
Certified Performance Consultant for Leaders


Are you facing the following challenges as a leader, or is your team facing them?

  • Lack of resilience and diversity of solutions.
  • Inability to diagnose problems.
  • Poor performance and low results.
  • Lack of trust and harmony among team members.
  • High costs vs. revenues.
  • Suffering from many administrative decisions or administrative confusion.

What leaders and high-performing organizations want:

  • Leaders uproot problems from their roots.
  • Predicting future challenges and diversifying solutions to overcome them before their time.
  • Have resilience, emotional stability, and a sense of responsibility.
  • Harmony between team members and teamwork.
  • Crisis management and turning them into opportunities for growth.
  • Raising the efficiency of individuals and increasing the effectiveness of work teams and the organization which is reflected in the increase in revenue.
  • Leadership stems from the efficiency of actions, not the imposition of decisions.

You are not alone. This program is specifically designed for leaders to follow the approach: “Prevention is better than cure”, and it is based on a solid information base that enables them to discover, preserve, and develop talents to fly today, tomorrow, and every day according to practical development solutions.


16 Hour


4 Day






The wolf leader's strategy for data collection is like a tight system, as it has the leaders of the second rank "beta", followed by the leaders of the third rank "gamma", and they in turn establish teams of wolves called "exploration wolves",  whose mission is exploring from different dimensions and aspects in search for facts; Some of them are at the top, some of them are in the bottom, some of them are hiding somewhere, and some of them work on the study and analysis of the climate. They even follow the trail of the winds, and some of them work to determine the appropriate battlefield, know the ways and directions in all its merits, anticipate the opportunities that are favorable to them, analyze the strengths and weaknesses of themselves and their enemies, and know how to supply all the necessary supplies from the pack during the battles. Also, they prepare all the equipment for close and remote combat, and they possess the arts of night combat and prepare plans for ambushes and camouflage

After all these preparations and information, the wolf leader alpha holds a session to consult with the leaders of the second rank beta and the leaders of the third rank gamma, in which they explore together the reports of the explorations wolves about the valuable information they have collected. As a result of this information, a precise plan is drawn up for the purpose of annihilating the enemy, in addition to a carefully calculated alternative plan that makes victory for the wolves inevitable.

A “Certified Performance Consultant Program” has been developed to build and provide a repository of increasingly complex skills for leaders who assume the consulting role, and those who wish to take on this role in the future. This powerful consulting model is very helpful to leaders. It creates the appropriate environment for innate talents to emerge, objectives to be achieved, and visions to be realized. By the end of the program, you will be able to return to your workplace to start using your consulting toolkit as a leader and also to launch into your career as a professional consulting leader offering the finest international practices in consulting

This program comes to be the turning point for leaders who practice the consulting role, as it focuses its attention on each of the skills and techniques necessary for those who perform the role of consultants. The program displays the consultancy skills, behaviors, and processes of effective internal consulting including the actions that must be taken to achieve desired results, setting objectives, managing expectations, and guiding subordinates through the process as well as building credibility to influence decision-making, overcome obstacles and resistance, and gain ideal subordinates. The program includes tests to approach the method of facing difficult situations and the need to adopt effective strategies in complex administrative cases. In addition, the program offers the best global practices and the most powerful techniques and models that unlock the latent capabilities of individuals and organizations. Its approach and strategies are not at the level of consulting leaders who exercise the consulting role with their subordinates only, but also for professional consultants and experts who wish to provide consulting services to higher management levels, whether to high-level leaders, decision makers or work teams, as well as to understand the nature of exceptional organizations in a systematic and professional manner.

We welcome you to receive the honor of the supreme leader, "Leading by example, not by ability". With the skills of this program, your leadership will start from the past and affect the present and go beyond the boundaries of the future.

This program is for you. To everyone who wants to offer the juice of their experiences by keeping pace with the tools of the future, to everyone who wants to dig into the depths of others to extract their hidden talents and treasures that they do not realize about themselves, and to dive into the ocean of possibilities and capabilities to take them to the shores of excellence and success. This program introduces you to the turning point in the lives of individuals and organizations.

This program is intended for leaders who are required to act in a consulting capacity either with external clients or with their subordinates in the organizations in which they work. It is also for leaders who have taken on the internal consulting role or who want to prepare to take on this role in the future. In addition, it is for those who wish to own the keys to a rapid impact in individuals, for work teams and organizations by providing consulting to others, and for everyone who wants to make a rapid transformation and achieve the highest results.

The "Certified Performance Consultant" includes a comprehensive assessment of the skills and competencies of consultants and a mechanism for drawing up consultant development plans, whether they are internal or external. Pre-program assessment includes the following:

  • Providing a detailed picture of strengths through consulting the level of competencies and skills.
  • Identifying and clarifying gaps and actual development needs to work on them effectively.
  • Laying a systematic foundation for personal and professional growth.

Previous E-files of the program (for reading and viewing):

  • Excellence in the labor market.
  • Credibility in your consulting business.
  • Four essential client conversations.

Basic introduction:

  • 3 Factors that make a leader a great person.
  • 4 Challenges faced by the consultant leader.
  • How to define the field of consultancy in which the leader will specialize.
  • The most profitable fields of consultancy work.
  • Consulting skills needed by the leader.
  • How to assess your consulting competencies?
  • The five-factor consulting business model.
  • Comparison of 5 consulting models.
  • Difference in consulting: Internal vs. external.
  • How to overcome obstacles?
  • Who is the client?

Entry and Contract:

  • How do you build credibility in your consulting work?
  • How do you build and maintain familiarity with the client?
  • The standards by which you assess client and organization's readiness.
  • 10 Factors to succeed in the consulting process.
  • How do you get agreement about expectations?
  • What pricing structure should be used?
  • How to justify fees by value?
  • How can consulting leaders get so rich?

Analyze the Needs:

  • 7 Standards for data collection.
  • 6 Methods for data collection.
  • Obstacles to data collection.
  • How to hold an exploratory meeting?
  • 3 Steps to prepare open-ended questions.
  • 4 Steps to prepare specific-answer questions.
  • 5 Guidelines for asking effective questions.
  • 3 Techniques to focus with the client.
  • How do you paraphrase and summarize the content?
  • Formal and informal terms of reference.

Feedback and Decide:

  • How to identify the causes of malfunction at the client's part?
  • The seven factors that affect business performance.
  • 3 Techniques in participatory analysis.
  • 7 Techniques to validate the analysis.
  • How to handle sensitive information?
  • 25 Signs of resistance or discomfort.
  • 7 Guidelines for dealing with resistance and challenges.
  • How do you plan and do a regularity meeting?

Design and Implement:

  • How do you effectively invest in teams to design solutions?
  • 4 steps to implement solutions.
  • How to ask the essential questions for the final verification?
  • 7 Steps to document recommendations.
  • 6 Guidelines for making recommendations.
  • 10 Tactics that benefit consultants.
  • Working successfully with internal and external consultants.
  • The most important suggestions for partnering with external consultants.


  • How to prepare for a debriefing meeting?
  • How to monitor progress in seven steps?
  • 5 Tools for assessing consulting services.
  • How to discuss with the client for assessment?
  • How to prepare the final report in seven stages?
  • How do you derive "lessons learned"?
  • How do you get recommendations and confessions?
  • How to make a strategic plan that makes you important to your subordinates and clients and differentiates you from competitors.
  • The 10 most time-consuming mistakes.
  • 4 Strategies for avoiding the symptoms of consulting building syndrome.
  • How to identify opportunities and work on them.
  • 5 Steps to address challenges with subordinates and clients.
  • The participant leaders leave the program fully equipped to practice consulting professionally according to innovative and unique consulting model, with inspiring technologies and tools full of ideas, strategies, models, processes, commitments, and business plans that make their performance and their clients' performance more outstanding and powerful, all available for immediate use.
  • Coaching follow-up session with the Academy's professional consultants.

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