
Consulting Solutions

Join us at WOLFA Academy, where your personal and professional growth is nurtured in an environment that respects and integrates all aspects of your life.


The wolf leader has exceptional senses that provide it with the right information

The wolf leader "alpha" is distinguished by its tireless senses, as they are vigilant senses that do not sleep all the time. It sees from the farthest distances, its eyes penetrate the hunters' binoculars and reach them like an arrow that terrifies them, and its ears are like radar as it roams every target. Even when it sleeps, its ears remain erect and anticipate. it rises at the speed of light when the alarm is sounded to be at the center of events and locates prey based on sound and smell. Also, it has a strange intuition as if it is reading the intentions of others, Read more

The right information for leaders is prevention that replaces treatment

Today's leaders face huge challenges in discovering and developing talents, and they usually resort to training and development solutions to fill the gaps. However, the reality is that the challenges may remain the same if they do not become increasing, as training alone is not an effective cure for all challenges! Taking an effective cure, such as training or development solutions for challenges that organizations do not suffer from, will certainly not address the challenges, but it may sometimes relieve their symptoms and be a temporary relief, like an illusion that suggests that the treatment has been completed. Read more

Why Should You Choose Consulting Solutions From WOLFA Academy?

Great leaders have a memory that exceeds that of wolf leaders, but in fact, the sense they use the most exceeds the ones they use less. They may pay attention to one sense more than the other when they use their senses unconsciously. When they resort to consulting solutions from the WOLFA Academy, they provide them with accurate, solid, and well-established information about themselves, their subordinates, and those around them, all according to accurate metrics and various tools that serve as wolf leaders who have exceptional senses. The benefits that leaders will derive from consultancy solutions are incalculable:

Personal level

Sensory channels are the gateway to knowing the self for what it is, not according to what you think it is, and to knowing others as they really are, not as you want to see them. Your senses are the first outlets for perception, as all the information you know about yourself, and others stems from your five senses. If you always do what you used to do out of your excellence in one sense and not others, you will always reach what you used to reach, but there will always be more that you do not get. Asking for consultancy from the Academy is like being aware of the senses and investing all of them in a balanced way without one of them being dominant over the other. It makes things stop being familiar to you and everything that is creative, innovative, and unfamiliar comes to you and really contributes to your progress and the progress of your subordinates.


Using the ingenuity of a wolf leader, you can direct the team members' attention and awareness to the sense through which you want them to see the truth, which is usually absent from them, so they have the agility to move between all the senses, and then their awareness becomes the result of full awareness. All of this contributes amazingly to unifying viewpoints, exchanging opinions, and understanding differences to achieve the greatest results.


The right person becomes in the right place, and familiarity and harmony prevail among the members of the organization even in the most difficult circumstances.

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What Are the Fields of Consultancy in WOLFA Academy?

Our experiences with leaders provide us with an insight which the purely theoretical perspective followed by others does not provide. We have unique and innovative consulting business models for each field alone based on the principles and ethics we follow. Each business model consists of several stages that vary in number according to the required consulting field. Each of which requires the implementation of very different and distinct tasks, procedures, and activities.
Consulting services for individuals are quality services designed according to personal needs. They focus on personal objectives, personal development, and on any aspect where the individual needs help and support at any time. We believe in a fully inclusive approach in WOLFA Academy, and we take into account the entire life of the leader, be it at home, work, relationships, health, wealth, creativity, personal or professional lifestyle, as they are all related to each other. The most important specialist fields in which consultants are proficient in the Academy are:

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