
Coaching Service in Emotional Intelligence

Nowadays, IQ is not the only indicator of success in life, as Emotional Intelligence (EQ) plays a significant role as well. This is why some high achievers leaders dedicate their skills to teamwork and gain empathy by participating in community service and improving leadership skills. The terms "Emotional Intelligence" (EQ) and "Intelligence" (IQ) are two different things. EQ can be developed and improved. Unlike IQ, Emotional intelligence is understanding and managing the personal feelings of leaders and the feelings of others. Leaders with high emotional intelligence know very well what they feel and what these feelings mean and how emotions affect others. A lot of research shows that Emotional Intelligence is the key to the success of leaders, and it is what ignites the spark of inspiration for them and their subordinates.

Also, we can help you promote:
Emotional Resilience | Stability | Emotional Stability | Positive Feelings | Building Habits | Health | Strong Relationships | Change Management.

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