
Leaders Coaching

Embrace your distinctiveness and step into a leadership role that`s written in everlasting ink. With WOLFA Academy, unlock the power of your personal version of leadership and inspire your team by just being you.


The wolf leader's perspective is the one which sees the facts

One of the most important secrets and codes of wolves that make them reach sweeping victories in the toughest and fiercest battles is their extreme proficiency when collecting information about themselves and others. When wolves work on any objective, their leader sees things from different lenses and different angles. In addition to that, it chooses wolves from the leaders of the second rank "beta" and the leaders of the third rank "gamma", which are called "observers". They are usually among the most experienced and efficient wolves and are wise and quick-witted, whose role is based on seeing facts from a higher cognitive dimension to balance different points of view and diverse information in order to choose the best decisions that always keep them on the right track and closer to the truth, enabling them to achieve qualitative victories.

The desire of the beginnings is for all, but constancy is for whoever wants it

Most leaders aspire to make changes that make their lives and the lives of their subordinates better than they are. Once life smiles at them in moments of excitement that motivate them to progress, conflicts and battles that take place both internally and externally overwhelm them. The battles of right and wrong, truth and falsehood, and good and evil start. The battles of psychological conflict between being preoccupied with life’s distractions and desires and reaching big dreams, great visions and noble objectives, the battle of peers and connections and trying to get out of the scope of satisfying others at the expense of self-satisfaction start as well. Amid these huge battles visions and dreams fade, conflict of thoughts, confusion of feelings, and behaviors change. Also, the smile fades away and enthusiasm extinguishes. As a result, the required change does not happen, and individuals remain stuck in what they do not want to happen to them, rather than doing what they want.

What happens is self-evident when leaders do not know exactly how and why this happened to them. Are there really solutions that shorten time and effort and turn dreams into reality?

Why Should You Choose Coaching Solutions From WOLFA Academy?

The long-lasting change is the result of the leader's deep commitment, steady pace towards the goals set, and dealing with all the variables of the road with the skill of the wolf leader. Whatever tools are available to create change and drive development, the more effort they are all provided, the more excellence and effectiveness they provide. However, they are not a radical solution to create the required changes because once leaders are on their way to inspiring their subordinates, real battles among thoughts, feelings, and behavior will begin, and challenges will arise. So, it was necessary for us in the Academy to provide solutions that would make the change that begins today and extend for a long time; hence, coaching has become our unique and qualitative specialty that achieves the stated goals quickly and effectively.

And the coaching team in the Academy is a team that has the perspective of a wolf leader, and the coaches who have the codes of a wolf leader are able to raise the rate of change results and transform great visions and lofty objectives into reality in record time. The results of the coaching are outstanding and highly effective. Their most prominent advantages are:

The first thing that every leader must learn about this world and the events that take place in it is that there is no single correct perspective in any life situation, but rather the realization and understanding of situations comes from several perspectives that are all partially correct, and at the same time limited as well. These different perspectives are what control leaders' vision when situations occur, or when they are interpreted, and from them results the perception which each leader acts accordingly.

Coaching solutions come as one of the most important tools that provide you with seeing things from different angles, with all their minor and major details, and the coaches graduating from the wolves school will give you a wolf leader's unique perspective on seeing the facts. You will find yourself watching things from a neutral upper perspective to foresee the facts and see the glow of light in the middle of the darkness, and you will always walk in harmony with the great truth and the cosmic laws. It is then that you will achieve the qualitative leaps, will reach supremacy and entrepreneurship in the world of leadership, will highlight your sense of leadership, and will manifest your leadership imprint.
When you want to make a new change, whether it is (by acquiring a skill, moving to a new role in your personal or professional life, having great visions for the future, or whatever your goals are), you have to start from where you are to ensure that results will be achieved. The metrics available in the Academy provide you and your coach with the most important information about yourself in terms of strengths and weaknesses (your beliefs, ideas, strategies, goals, skills), and they will provide you with a comprehensive and accurate examination to clarify your current place, and what you need to focus on the most. The outcome of all this is a development plan through which you achieve tremendous success to make the desired change and become an integral part of you when you are intellectually, emotionally, and behaviorally involved with what you want.

Start from your own world model
We strongly recommend you perform the Supreme Codes Metric for Leaders 360 (TSL360)
Change usually happens over time, but with coaching you will make it when you want. In the hustle and bustle of life, it is easy for you to lose sight of what is most important for you, your team, your organization, and your life. Hence, coaching solutions are effective solutions for making change in the right time. With the coach, you will begin to think out loud, explore ideas and thoughts through different lenses, express feelings freely, raise awareness of ideas, feelings, behaviors, and relationships, address the complexities of work and life, and have a balance between them. You will simply have agility to switch between different roles of life to ensure a close connection to the compass that will lead you to deliver high results that save time and effort.
The accurate metrics available in the Academy are one of the most important right tools to start right from, and they are very effective and excellent development tools. Simply, select the metric that is right for you, and then take your step-by-step coaching solutions based on the metrics' results, and then employ them in the right place and time to harvest the highest and most supreme development results.

Take a look at all the metrics available to leaders. From here

Why to reinvent the wheel when you can take advantage of a proven coaching system with the best practices that has saved leaders hundreds of hours and helped them develop a well-deserved sense of leadership?
Book your session now.

What Are The Fields of Coaching in WOLFA Academy?

WOLFA Academy coaching solutions are designed with the utmost care. They are the product of more than two decades and thousands of hours of experience. When we gave them enough time, our goal was to translate them into practical solutions in interesting ways to keep the coaching culture vigil in the whole. All these solutions aim to keep leaders on the path of influential and inspiring individuals whose names are written in everlasting ink. We believe that every individual in this world is one version of themselves, and they should not be a second version of anyone else. The more each individual lives with their unique version in populating the earth, the more the true concept of leadership emerges from self-leadership in the beginning reaching the subordinates who will inevitably follow in the footsteps of their leader.

We, in turn, have taken it upon ourselves to achieve leaders with their unique version and highlight their leadership imprint that is not distinguished by others, and our coaching has become a completely comprehensive approach. We take into account the entire life of the leader, be it at home, work, relationships, health, wealth, creativity, personal or professional lifestyle as they are all related to each other. The most important fields of expertise in which the coaches excel are:

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