
Supreme Leader Codes


Are you facing the following challenges as a leader, or is your team facing them?

  • Lack of motivation and enthusiasm.
  • Loss of control when working under stress.
  • Lack of focus in outcomes.
  • Enforce opinions and poor persuasion and influence skills.
  • Lack of harmony among team members.
  • Suffering from many administrative decisions or administrative confusion.

What leaders and high-performing organizations want:

  • Leaders who do not know the impossible and are open-minded.
  • Striking a balance between personal and professional life.
  • Exploring and overcoming future challenges prematurely.
  • Handling difficult leadership situations with integrity.
  • Relationships based on trust, building credibility, and gaining employee and client satisfaction.
  • Raising the efficiency of individuals and increasing the effectiveness of work teams and the organization, which is reflected in increased revenues.
  • Aligning personal values with the values and mission of the organization.

You are not alone. This program is specially designed to introduce you to the wolf leader codes that you will find on a gold platter to reap the results of the supreme leader.


16 Hour


4 Day






The wolf leader is the first guide of the wolves army, and it is chosen only because it is the most efficient and most resilience of them at the same time. Also, it is distinguished by their attention to all the pack, and the pack with it cares about every wolf that belongs to it. In the world of wolves, the leader which can lead itself is the one which leads their subordinates to this extent. It is a profound and influential principle. Once their subordinates hear their unique voice, it arrives to their ears as if it is an alarm bell announcing the beginning of a new objective that is about to be achieved, and then all the wolves claiming a kinship with this pack will come out of their places immediately towards the voice of the leader, sacrificing their lives for the unity of the pack. Wolves in the presence of the leader unite and do not disperse.

Whoever contemplates the biographies of the great leaders who immortalized their actions before their names and engraved their achievements on the rock finds that they invested in their subordinates and they believed that every force is weak if it is not unified. Also, the great achievements need the forearms of harmony; therefore, they had a unique voice inspiring their subordinates to achieve the accomplishments and successes they thought were impossible before leaders inspired them. Anyone who plays a leadership role must make many efforts to unite ranks, inspire subordinates, raise productivity, and achieve massive victories. However, a truly great leader is one whose subordinates feel great and even find that they can do anything with or without them. The Supreme Leader Codes lets you pioneer your unique leadership signature, then walk alongside others to inspire and awaken their greatness.

This program is dedicated to make you an unparalleled leader who leads by example, not by ability. It provides tools for gaining the honor of leadership through efficiency, not position, and gaining the deserved influence stemming from subordinates going to places they did not dare to go alone. Its approach and strategies achieve more effective leadership because it starts from uncovering the thought of the leader and their subordinates, then marching them together to achieve dreamy visions by overcoming all obstacles and challenges, then pursuing progress with determination to achieve victory, and then celebrating the results when subordinates become leaders in the footsteps of their leader.

We welcome you to receive the honor of the supreme leader, "Leading by example, not by ability".

With the skills of this program, your leadership will start from the past and affect the present and go beyond the boundaries of the future.

We welcome you to receive the honor of the supreme leader, "Leading by example, not by ability". With the skills of this program, your leadership will start from the past and affect the present and go beyond the boundaries of the future.

This program is for you. To everyone who wants to be a leader, a predator and not a prey, to everyone who wants to be a leader who leads effectively, to everyone who wants to inspire subordinates who do not climb on their shoulders, but who ascend together towards victories. This program introduces you to the turning point in your life to gain the honor of leadership with efficiency and gain influence with merit.

This program is for everyone who wants to play the role of an outstanding leader, for employees who are passionate about leadership, for exceptional organizations that believe that their dreams and unique visions are a reflection of competent leaders, and for leaders who are looking for subordinates who ignite coals with their union so that it will not be extinguished by dispersal.

  • Each participating leader goes through the Supreme Codes Metric for Leaders (TSL®)
  • A commander can go through Supreme Codes Metric for Leaders 360 (TSL360)
  • Leaders participating in the program have a group session to interpret and explain the report by the program coach. (One-to-one explaining session is available upon request).

Unit One: Think

Here you think to change. You unmask your thoughts, beliefs, and values as a leader, as leaders know themselves well and know their subordinates as well. And you go through the midst of research and exploration for the hidden abilities and energies inherent within you and within your subordinates, so you realize the basic differences between your way of thinking and wolf leader's way of thinking. Simply, you realize your essence as a leader in building the inspiring vision that shines in the conscience of your subordinates. Here you will be able to:

  • Rebuild your ideas and your subordinates' ideas to see and perceive the world with the spirit of victories.
  • Open your mind and raise your leadership competency to the highest metrics.
  • Apply the 5 wolves strategies to articulate an inspiring vision.
  • Connect your team members' dreams and objectives with a shared vision to make a difference in this world.
  • Uncover all the obstacles that have limited your ability to realize your visions.
  • Employ the amazing energies of others to achieve success.
  • Measure the power of your senses and their tremendous ability to collect data to make the most powerful and correct decisions
  • Observe the hidden meanings that the eyes indicate when thinking and speaking.
  • Read your own depths and the depths of others through words, looks, and movements.
  • Discover the invisible motivations that drive your behavior and the behavior of others and invest in them to achieve optimal performance.

Unit Two: Control

Here you control to connect. The race has begun, and there is no opportunity to quit. Whatever challenges you face, you have to deal with them with the skill and resilience of the wolf leader, discover the obstacles before they confront you, and even prevent them before they happen. You are always the master of the situation, and you look ahead to the future to make it before it happens. You will simply have the wolf leader control codes, and whoever has the resilience of the wolf leader knows nothing but victory. Here you will be able to:

  • Free yourself from emotional tendencies that may take away your powers, and you become the act rather than the reaction.
  • surprise negative emotions by higher positive emotions to have your remote (remote control) emotions in your hands.
  • Charge the depths of your subordinates with the power of positive emotions to touch every atom of their body, mind, and behavior.
  • Motivate others, ignite enthusiasm within them, and maximize confidence.
  • Have the resilience of a wolf leader to adapt to all variables of life, regardless of their intensity.
  • Conquer your subordinates' fears and turn them into amazing strength and energy that will drive you to success.
  • Free your team from habits that hinder their progress and build fertile ground for habits that contribute to their brilliance.
  • Embody the bright future of your subordinates in the present as an image, a sound, and a feeling.
  • Have the skills of the best leaders and role models without having to accompany them or even meet them.

Unit Three: Communication

Here you communicate to influence. After you have started in the leadership race, all you have to do is win. You must fly with communication skills that unite and inspire your subordinates and create common bonds with them. Your harmony becomes the basis for investing in them. You will also have the ability to lead the toughest people in the most difficult situations with the simplest words. You will simply communicate with the wolf leader's communication codes, which remain in the souls without fading even after some time. Here you will be able to:

  • Understand others in a way that exceeds their self-understanding and employs talents to achieve a sweeping win.
  • Go beyond words and delve into understanding your subordinates' behavior to lead them even in difficult circumstances.
  • Get rid of the destructive "ego" in your team members and move on to the wolves approach of "we".
  • Lead the dialogues with the mastery of a wolf leader who is only allowed to be led according to the good of all.
  • Give a different meaning and feeling to the events around you, so that others see them as different from what they were.
  • Have a new captivating language in gaining and maintaining qualitative relationships and enjoying all its variables.
  • Express your thoughts visually, audibly, and visibly to those around you.
  • Make your words tangible to heal your subordinates and reach their hearts in times of crisis.
  • Influence the beliefs and values of others and inspire them with words that touch their being before hitting their ears.

You own the magic keys to contain opponents and to turn an enemy into a friend.

  • The leaders who participated in the program leave it fully equipped to experience their leadership experiences from a broad perspective that sees facts, carry inspiring techniques and tools full of ideas, strategies, models, processes, commitments, and business plans that give their life a more sublime meaning.
  • Each participating leader may submit again online for Supreme Codes Metric for Leaders - Comparison with self (TSCL®) to measure the return on training.
  • Each participant who applied to the comparison metric will receive a one-on-one explanation session to interpret the report by a certified assessor.

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