
Our Story – WOLFA Academy

The wolf team is an invincible army because of its skills

Throughout history, wolves adhere to the family system more than humans, as they are much more cohesive and unified than us if we do not recognize the skills, strategies, and work system of their leaders. The alpha wolf leader is well aware that the fate of everyone is determined by the behavior of each individual in the group,

so it always relies on the principle of forming groups clearly in the walking system of the wolf pack. These groups follow a formation of their own and not others, and they have the skill of planning the organizational structure of the pack and the skill of making amazing distribution of roles among them.

The alpha leader at the beginning of its leadership career explores the skills, abilities, and talents of its subordinates around it to select its successor in the organizational structure. It appoints the leaders of the second rank because they have the highest skills after it and gives them the title of "beta", then it gives the least skill group the title of "gamma" which they are the leaders of the third rank. As for the rest of the pack, as long as their skills remain the same, they will not exceed and remain the same as they are in the lowest "omega" rank at all in the organizational structure of the wolves. Once they launch together under the banner of alpha leader and its successors in the leadership's chain, the leaders of beta and gamma, they will be distinguished by the fact that they are similar in thinking, and they understand one another through an uninterrupted communication even with the width of distances. Also, their principles do not change, their unity does not separate, and they got a sense of responsibility and loyalty to the pack as one, with full loyalty to the alpha leader first, then to the unity of the pack and loyalty to both of them until death.

The wolves team with their skills works like coal that burns with its union and extinguishes with its division

When we start where others left off, we get to places where no one else has reached

The team of experts in the Academy has begun studying the wolves’ approach for years. It took them thousands of hours of work, during which the latest documents as well as secret documents about wolves that were obtained from auctions and others were reviewed. All the team worked diligently, and they did not slack or falter to achieve the objective at all until we eventually reached the most important skills, strategies, and values that were available in the leaders of the wolves, through which they achieved supremacy and entrepreneurship, and victory was their ally in all their battles regardless of the challenges that faced them.

From here was the birth of the WOLFA Academy.

The skills, strategies, and values of the legendary wolf leaders have been reached as described by history books and secret documents documented with stories and examples that exceeded our perceptions before we completely dismantled them. Also, after the amazing codes of their excellence were resolved, we actually reached the most important skills that made their great history and headed them as masters on the steppes.

Then we started searching for partners who carry our thinking of building leaders, and who have the best solutions and tools ever in the field of skills, strategies, and values that we found among wolf leaders, and even the skills that surpass wolf leaders which our team discovered after their strenuous effort in research and investigation. You can imagine the sum of several strong entities in one entity; That is, it is an entity with many capabilities that no single entity owns. In the leading companies, everyone realizes that like-mindedness mind, the blending of souls, the unification of hearts, and the harmony of work are the basis for achieving the greatest victories. Together with our like-minded partners, we have taken upon ourselves the responsibility of developing leaders and developing their skills and strategies with the best of modern science in the field of leadership and in a way that goes beyond the wolves approach with their leaders, teams, and all their skills.

The whole point of all this was to start where others left off.

When searching, which exceeded hundreds of hours, we reached partners, each of whom is the best in their field from our point of view based on research, investigation, and selection according to accurate and global standards in building inspiring leaders who are unparalleled. With all of them we came up with the Academy’s unique approach to building leaders, which has broad and innovative solutions that achieve supremacy and entrepreneurship for all leaders who join us.


We were not only satisfied with that, so these approaches were tested together on many leaders, in different positions, and diverse work paths, and we found impressive results indeed. Through our partners, we have been able to build distinguished leaders in a record time and with skills that everyone who joined the Academy attested that it made them real leaders who lead by example, not by ability, and they received the honor of leadership with efficiency and earned influence with merit. What really distinguishes them is that it made them leaders who benefit from the past in building the present, influence the present, and extend their influence to the future. Simply, their influence has begun one day and has extended with them every day.

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What you will get with us in WOLFA Academy

are the secrets that were decoded in the life of Genghis Khan with the world of wolves, and whose structure was established by Genghis Khan in the spirit, mind, heart, and behavior of his subordinates from the fighting leaders, which contributed to building the brave fighter who does not care about anything and whose role is based on being a fighter eager to die until life is given to him.

Alexander of Macedonia, Salah Al-Din Al-Ayyubi, Steve Jobs, and Ray Kroc

These codes that you will possess are extracted from the spirit of the wolves tightly. "Ray Kroc", "Steve Jobs", the leader "Salah Al-Din Al-Ayyubi", "Alexander of Macedonia", and other great leaders worked in their light. Also, the legendary leader " Genghis Khan" worked in their light without decoding its secrets or revealing its contents to anyone, as he used to consider them a secret of wars and victory in battles. As for you now, the secret is no longer a secret as long as it will be clearly revealed to you when you begin your journey with us to become the supreme leader whose influence transcends the limits of time and space.

Once you make your decision to join us

in the Academy approach and learn from its solutions, you will live a journey through which your dreams will come true. It is a journey different from any previous journey you have gone through before. This journey is a legacy of the past, presents you in the present, and leads you towards the future to become the supreme version of yourself that you want to be.
The Academy's solutions were a turning point for all our clients by upgrading their leadership skills to be the supreme version of themselves.

Leaders who join us are always hungry for growth

The wolf that perches at the foot of the mountain is never like the leader wolf who climbs up and down the mountains until he has its prey. The wolf at the top does not go hungry much, unlike the leader wolf which climbs the mountain thirsting for greater success, higher growth, and a supreme better life.

The Academy's approach and solutions offer leaders a turning point in their lives to become the supreme version of themselves.

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