
Leaders Coaching


Are you facing the following challenges as a leader, or is your team facing them?

  • Lack of motivation and enthusiasm.
  • Loss of control when working under stress.
  • Lack of focus in outcomes.
  • Enforce opinions and poor dialogue and influence skills.
  • Lack of harmony among team members.
  • Suffering from many administrative decisions or administrative confusion.

What leaders and high-performing organizations want:

  • Leaders who do not know the impossible and are open-mindeded.
  • Sparking employee enthusiasm and motivation.
  • Exploring and overcoming future challenges prematurely.
  • Handling difficult leadership situations with integrity.
  • Relationships based on trust, building credibility, and one spirit.
  • Raising the efficiency of individuals and increasing the effectiveness of work teams and the organization, which is reflected in increased revenues.
  • Aligning personal values with the values and mission of the organization.

You are not alone. This program is specially designed to make the effectiveness of coaching touch the being before it hits the ears and to inspire others to give their best. It unleashes the hidden energies to come out into the open and resound with the voice of its achievements for all.


30 Hour


3 Day






One of the most important secrets of the wolves' codes that make them achieve sweeping victories in the toughest and fiercest battles is the ingenuity of the alpha leader when collecting information about itself and others. When wolves work on any objective, their leader sees things from different lenses and different angles. In addition to that, it chooses wolves from the leaders of the second rank "beta" and the leaders of the third rank "gamma", and they are called "observers". They are usually among the most experienced and efficient wolves and are wise and quick-witted. Their role is based on seeing facts from a higher cognitive dimension to balance different points of view and diverse information in order to choose the best decisions that always keep them on the right track and closer to the truth, enabling them to achieve qualitative victories.

Organizations find themselves in daily confrontation with rapid changes, which makes them lose the ability to predict those changes and deal with them. Developing people in this environment is more than just learning a set of leadership skills, so coaching uses formal and informal means to ignite inspiration, exploration, reflection, insight and motivate subordinates to become more perseverant and persistent. Therefore, the "Leaders Coaching" program was built in order for leaders to see the facts from the wolf leader's perspective and provide them with the necessary skills to communicate effectively and build intimacy relationships by asking the right questions and in order to encourage exploration, build trust, listen with the utmost understanding, provide high feedback, keep pace with making sound plans, and follow-up progress until obtaining the results and getting the highest levels of performance.

This program comes to become a great leader who invests in their subordinates and their organization and believes that each force is weak in itself unless it is united with other powers and that great achievements need harmonious arms to become a leader with a unique voice that inspires their subordinates to dare to achieve the achievements and successes that they thought impossible before leaders inspire them that they are possible. Anyone who plays a leadership role must make many efforts to unite ranks, inspire subordinates, raise productivity, and achieve massive victories. However, a truly great leader is one whose subordinates feel great and even find that they can do anything with or without them. This program makes you work your way to discover your unique leadership signature, so that you can walk alongside others to inspire and awaken their greatness through the unique and distinctive coaching approach.

We welcome you to receive the honor of the supreme leader, "Leading by example, not by ability". With the skills of this program, your leadership will start from the past and affect the present and go beyond the boundaries of the future.

This program is for you. And to all who want to be a leader inspiring their subordinates rather than climbing on their shoulders as they ascend together towards victories. This program introduces you to the turning point in your career through the most powerful coaching methods and approaches to gaining the honor of leadership with efficiency and gaining influence with merit.

This program is for everyone who wants to play the role of an outstanding leader, starting with managers from the first level to the last level who develop and coach others, employees who are passionate about supporting others, and exceptional organizations that believe that their greatest successes are an extension of their inspirational leaders who are distinguished by reflection and insight, and who motivate subordinates to become more persistent and determined.

The 'Leaders Coaching' includes a comprehensive assessment of the leadership skills needed to deliver coaching and develop others. Pre-programme assessments include:

  • Providing a detailed picture of the leadership strengths through coaching and the level of competencies and skills.
  • Identifying and clarifying gaps and actual development needs to work on them effectively.
  • Laying a systematic foundation for personal and professional growth.

Previous E-files of the program (for reading and viewing):

  • The application of coaching programs and their impact on business.
  • Do managers use their time in employee development?

When a leader works with a multi-cultural and multi-potential team, they will experience moments when they need to be more resilient and in control. Distinguished leaders govern their grip on their desires and temperament and move towards the interest of the organization and the public interest, while maintaining their positive emotional state and working with their eyes on the future.

A leader who has the mentality of a skillful coach sets out in the race of leaders to win always, so they fly with communication skills that unite and inspire their subordinates and create common bonds with them. Their harmony with them becomes the basis for investing in them. They also have the ability to lead the most difficult people in the most difficult situations and with the simplest words. They lead with approaches that ignite the enthusiasm of their subordinates in all circumstances and motivate them towards objectives by listening to them sincerely and debating them skillfully, achieving the highest levels of performance, and reaching to be a leader whose impact remains in the souls without fading out even after a while. Here you will be able to:

  • Using the Academy's unique coaching approach to learn the basics of coaching and new coaching skills and competencies that can be applied immediately.
  • Building effective communication with everyone and high open-mindedness to create a safe and supportive learning environment.
  • Building familiarity relationships based on trust and harmony, setting boundaries, challenging assumptions, and being attuned to differences.
  • Collecting information, exploring obstacles, and determining the current situation with the coaching tools.
  • Drawing up future plans and setting objectives with precision and professionalism using effective peer coaching techniques.
  • Tracking progress and having the resilience and agility to navigate between individual differences to reach the highest levels of performance.
  • Overcoming challenges in a spirit of ingenious coach mentality that focuses on the highest results.
  • Evaluating the coaching process and developing measurement plans and checklists to ensure the quality of outcomes.
  • Providing an effective coaching according to the unique five-stage WOLFA Academy approach.
  • The participating leaders leave the program armed with the equipment to conduct their leadership experiences from the coaching perspective of the wolf leader, and they carry inspiring techniques and tools full of ideas, strategies, models, processes, commitments, and business plans that make their performance and the performance of their teams and organizations more distinguished and powerful.
  • One 60-minute phone coaching session with one of the Academy's coaches.
  • Follow up on progress, optional paid support, and customized initiatives to link individual development to high-performing organizational needs.

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