
Consulting Service in Consulting

Since its launch, the Academy has been at the forefront of organizational development that retains talents and builds a distinct system that focuses on human capital development. Consulting has been a part of our research and education efforts ever since, starting with our pioneering use of quality tools and metrics aimed at collecting accurate information that diagnoses the current situation. One of the most important tools and metrics is the 360-degree metric for sustainable development.

The consulting solutions provided to leader who have a “consulting" role or intend to play that role in the future are considered one of the most effective tools available to take organizational development to a deeper and more sustainable level. They work to provide full support to leaders with the aim of addressing the challenges of the organizations they deal with, regardless of their complexity, and enhancing their growth potential on the outstanding form. All solutions put leaders together to create subordinates from leaders as well as impactful and inspiring managers, build high-performing teams, and retain talents to realize great visions.

Simply, this service enables leaders - for whom the consulting role is part of their work - to use an ideal and unique business model to provide consulting, which includes clear and proven methods for achieving the highest guaranteed performance results. In addition, it provides approaches and mechanisms in terms of exchanging messages, illustrations, distinct templates and lists, and business system which usually leads to getting the perfect subordinates.

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